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Thursday 21 May 2009

Zoro Zoro Kebete, Noro Noro Wede Merete (Hidar 7, 1907- Ginbot 13, 2001)

Dear friends,

I received the sad news of the passing away of my ninety four year old father, Asfaw Feleke Woldetekle, this morning and he will be buried (see the attachment) tomorrow along my mother. I will  post the interview he made with Addis Zemen, eighteen years ago soon after my mother passed away. I thank everybody who supported us during his illness that I disclosed on "Root for Father" piece last November.

The last six month indeed was hard for him  and thanks to the big support of family members and your encouraging words he hold on but the end has come.

                                                                                   Rest in Peace

                                                                                       Tedla Asfaw