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Sunday 26 August 2007

The elected leaders and Diaspora politics

Tedla Asfaw

The politics of fragmentation is in full swing in theDiaspora and this has been the case for the last sixteen years in all so called oppositions to the ruleof TPLF in the diaspora and the armed movements.
Now the drum of splitting Kinijit in the so called wings of Dr. Birhanu and the veteran leaders has already started following the division started between KIL and KIC.The supporters of these groups may be in hundreds are making big noise and are now waiting to receive the elected leaders in their own camps.For that purpose the so called visa from USA was not issued for all of them to come together as planned and we heard now from sources Dr. Birhnau is in Europe and speculations are high.Why the veteran leaders/Eng. Hailu and others are not coming as planned together and is this designed by proMelese USA policy makers and how comes those senators who pushed for HR2003 were not asked to help if there was a visa problem and who is to benefit from this separate trip?The drama surrounding the release of Kinijit leadersis now going to its final conclusion and the Ethiopian people are watching and any movement of division to split Kinijit as Dr. Birhanu Vs Veteran leaders that has been orchestrated by selfish and some led byforeign nationals that are working for foreign interest will die here in foreign land and our heroeswill rise up from the ashes of May 2005 and get their freedom though it might take them a bit longer and many sacrifices.This is just another failed Diaspora politics unadulterated and backward that is in a collision course with Kinijit spirit for which millions in Miazia 30 two years ago came out and show their support which culminated on the victory vote of May2005 and for which hundreds lost their lives and many imprisoned and exiled.